Not all phone greetings should be DIY projects! Many people still use old school phones...And, if that’s the first point of contact for a prospective client, shouldn’t it scream professional?
During this crazy pandemic, I’ve called several offices where they have recorded it themselves...The results were not good. It’s easy enough to do, right? You just hit record and recite the script you had prepared.
Here’s where the difference comes in. A seasoned voiceover talent prides themselves on perfect inflection, no New England accent and proper tone and enunciation. A friendly and professionally recorded phone greetings lets your clients know that you’re not a mom & pop establishment.
Have your first impression speak volumes.
I charge one flat fee for phone greetings depending on the number of prompts.
My first love and passion… being on the air! With 25 years of on-air experience… it’s certainly what I know best. Unfortunately, live, local radio is becoming a thing of the past. Many radio stations have chosen to voicetrack and my voicetracking experience includes a station right here in Boston. I’m prompt, dependable and a great choice for your next voicetracking gig.
Narration projects are a large part of what I do. I welcome multi-page scripts and my desire for perfection means that I’m open to revisions if need be. Narration projects include, but are not limited to, multi-media presentations, documentaries, corporate videos, on-line tutorials, industrials, audio books, cd-roms, training videos and flash presentations. Lengthy narration projects can take time… but I try to accommodate my clients with quick turn around and complete follow through until the project is right.
After many years of doing radio commercials, which go hand in hand with being on the air, I decided to branch out into voiceovers 10 years ago. Radio and tv ads, web audio, character voices, etc. all fall into this category and my prompt turnaround makes me a perfect choice for your next voiceover project.
The first thing you want your clients to hear when they call your company is a pleasant and friendly voice! I’ve recorded phone systems for companies around the world and my welcoming voice and the desire for continuity means that I’m around for the long haul…and I’m always available for additions to your system.
There aren’t many female voice talents who do radio imaging…the recording of call letters and positioning statements for radio stations. Essentially you are the station “voice”. It’s really a passion of mine and I certainly think that classic rock and top 40 are my forte…but listen for yourself. I make my schedule as flexible as possible and try to cater to the stations that I record for. I recognize that it’s imperative to have a talent on call for last minute scripts and such.
The wild and wacky world of ski reporting! Not that crazy actually…but definitely early morning and fast paced. I reported daily during ski season for a dozen radio stations on the West Coast including San Francisco and Las Vegas. So, with a three hour time difference you can see just how early it really was!
OMG…one of the highlights of my 25 year career! He actually called me on the studio line, while I was on the air, to say that he liked my style! We talked about the Aerosmith tune…”Walkin’ the Dog”…and I was completely blown away that he still appreciated live, local radio!